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Radio JGM

Radio JGM
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Radio JGM

On Friday November 26 the Second Cycle of emerging bands organized by community radio Juan Gómez Millas, School of Journalism at the University of Chile is performed. initiative, open to the general public, seeks to give visibility and outreach to young soloists or groups that do not fit in traditional commercial media. In a new partnership with Blue and Black Sheep stamps will participate from 18 hours acoustic duo Philipina Bitch, Creole sound The stubborn the cueca and the first solo work of former Weichafe, Angelo Pierattini. Also attending will be two emerging bands competed to secure a spot in the cycle. During the second semester, projects of independent music sent their material to the Radio Juan Gómez Millas which was included in the Sociocaínas section radial capsules short with new Chilean music managers put to dance to the university community and the general public cumbia band will Chaleko Lana. The group led by Pedro and Sebastian Pedreros Redolés born on Campus Juan Gómez Millas as homeowners and closed the day 4-hour national music. From 18 pm to midnight at the Institute of Communication and Image, University of Chile, located in Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1045, Providencia.Radio JGM official website address is
Land: Chile
Genre(s): World Music / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 96000
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Radio JGM
Radio JGM
Radio JGM
On Friday November 26 the Second Cycle of emerging bands organized by community radio Juan Gómez Millas, School of Journalism at the University of Chile is performed. initiative, open to the general public, seeks to give visibility and outreach to young soloists or groups that do not fit in traditional commercial media. In a new partnership with Blue and Black Sheep stamps will participate from 18 hours acoustic duo Philipina Bitch, Creole sound The stubborn the cueca and the first solo work of former Weichafe, Angelo Pierattini. Also attending will be two emerging bands competed to secure a spot in the cycle. During the second semester, projects of independent music sent their material to the Radio Juan Gómez Millas which was included in the Sociocaínas section radial capsules short with new Chilean music managers put to dance to the university community and the general public cumbia band will Chaleko Lana. The group led by Pedro and Sebastian Pedreros Redolés born on Campus Juan Gómez Millas as homeowners and closed the day 4-hour national music. From 18 pm to midnight at the Institute of Communication and Image, University of Chile, located in Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1045, Providencia.Radio JGM official website address is
Land: Chile
Genre(s): World Music / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 96000
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